Branding, marketing positioning, and advertising are ways in which we can differentiate ourselves in the business world and win our customer's attention.



If you think about your own experiences, you may not compute it at the time, but when you’ve chosen your shampoo having stared at the options at shelf for an eternity, there was a reason deep in your mind as to why you chose the bottle with Scandinavian wooded scene with pine trees wasn’t there?  That wasn’t by accident. It made you emotional – even if you didn’t realise it – and those emotions made you pick up that bottle. Don’t be fooled though – the motivation that drove you to select that product started long before you entered the supermarket – it began elsewhere, maybe through adverts on TV or many areas where you were unwittingly touched by it but only now did you commit to the purchase.

Finally, we wouldn’t want you to think of design and communication as areas that only affect the static elements such as your website or your logos. That’s a common misconception. In fact, on a daily basis much sales communication is delivered through Powerpoint. Why? Well it’s because it can be adapted for each sales presentation and as such it’s also a vital area to consider. Did you know that visual content will make up 93% of all human communication (Kusinitz, 2014).  Freshpath can work with you to understand your goals for your sales team and redesign your sales messages and presentations accordingly with your sales director.

Let’s conclude with some facts that serve to underline the importance of good design:

·         84% of respondents thought that design-driven businesses outperformed competitors (Econsultancy & Adobe, 2018)

·         Did you know that design-driven companies outperformed the S&P Index by 219% over a period of 10 years (Design Management Institute, 2014)

·         As an average, visitors spend 80% of their time viewing the left half of the page and 20% viewing the right hand side (Fessenden, 2017)

Freshpath can help you enhance your customers’ experience with tailored communications strategies – click here for more info.

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